
VP External – Leila Meema-Coleman (Engineering Pride!)

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Oh hai there fellow engineers! We are over halfway through the term and let me tell you that just makes me sad! You know why? Because I love engineering and especially being a Waterloo Engineer! What’s that you say? You do too? Well then I am here to tell you about all the exciting external events coming up that lets you showcase that Waterloo Eng Pride!

1) Engineers March in the Toronto Pride Parade!

If you haven’t heard yet, EngSoc is going with FedS to march in the Toronto Pride Parade this year on June 30! This is a chance to show our support for the LGBTTIQQ2SA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Intersex, Queer, Questioning, 2 Spirited, Allies) communities and show that although we are a male-dominated profession, we are still a welcoming and accepting community!  We are still selling tickets and they will be available in the Orifice for $15 (gets you transportation, sweet swag, and a lunch!) until Friday or online at fedspride2013.eventbrite.ca. Get ‘em before they’re gone!

2) Engineering in Action!!

How cool is engineering? But actually… it’s pretty freakin’ awesome and it’s up to us to inspire the next set of engineers and showcase the amazing things that engineers do! That’s why, on July 13, we are heading over to The Museum in Kitchener for a day of fun engineering experiments with kids of all ages! There will be everything from paper airplane contests to making slime to constructing rocket cars! We need lots of volunteers for the two to three hour shifts between 9AM-3PM so if you are interested, please e-mail me at vpexternal.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca!


If you had fun purpling during frosh week or if missed your chance and regret it, don’t worry we have an amazing PURPLEPALOOOZA event brought to you by our fabulicious charity directors! On July 11 in CPH Courtyard from 2PM to 5PM, come on out to purple yourself for charity, take a picture with The Tool, jam out to some sweet music, and show some Engineering pride! Remember that all proceeds this year are going to buy goats (Free the Children Adopt a Village program) so come on out and give baaaaah(ck). With that awful pun, I will say goodbye and hope that you have a great day!

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