
Spending, Spending, Spending!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

**HEY YOU! Were you a director this term? Then you probably want to come to the EngSoc meeting tonight … Come to POETS at 5:30 tonight to find out why!***

I finally have something to report! A couple weeks ago the Sponsorship Committee met and came to a decision on allocations which was brought to Council to be ratified. After some mild discussion and questions Council ratified the allocations seen to the right. To claim your funding, please fill out a society expense form (available online or in the Orifice) and submit your receipts to me. Remember that funding from this term can only be reimbursed by myself (B-Soc), and on a B-Soc term. If you have any questions regarding the Sponsorship decisions this term, please don’t hesitate to email me.

Come out to the EngSoc meeting tonight to see what the ECIF Committee is proposing to fund this term. If ratified, these purchases are things that will benefit as many Engineering students as possible while they last. You can always submit an application for ECIF through the EngSoc website, and each term the Committee will meet to go over the current applications. ALSO! If you think you’d like to participate in the decision process, we will be electing 2 new Committee members to represent B-Soc for the next year (May 2013 – April 2014) at tonight’s Council meeting. All you need to do is get a friend to nominate you at the meeting and then convince Council you should be chosen via a 30 second speech.

I am pleased to inform you that this year we received funding from SLEF (Student Life Endowment Fund, run by FEDS) to purchase the remaining 3 LCD screens we need to go ahead with the LCD advertising project. We will hopefully have the system up and running by the time everyone returns in the Fall! We also will hopefully receive funding from WEEF to upgrade the aging computers in the Orifice to help better administer the Society. This is a continuing process that should hopefully be completed with funding in the Spring term.

Finally, we received funding from SLEF for an LCD screen to be installed in the back room of the Orifice. Some of you may have heard rumbling of the planned renovation to extend the back room. We’re just waiting on confirmation from the administration, but if all goes well, things should be looking fancy by the end of May. The upgraded back room will be used for meetings and eventually will be equipped with everything any good meeting room needs. This LCD screen is only the first step in an exciting process to give our office a much-needed face-lift!

With the term drawing to a close, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the Commissioners, Directors, and most of all you, the students, for making my first term as Exec so great! It’s been a pleasure to work with all of you and if you feel the same way, pay attention for Directorship applications for the Fall opening soon. You too can give back to the Society by organizing and running the various events and services we offer!

Come out to the first EngSoc Council meeting this Fall to see my summary of this term’s finances and have your say in how we spend your money in the Fall!

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