
Vote: FedS Elections on the Horizon

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Elections are upon us! Each winter term, the Federation of Students (FedS) hosts their elections for the future executive team and available senator and councillor seats. Hopefully, everyone has had the opportunity to look at the posters around campus and read the candidate platforms to get informed.  Voting for the election will be taking place 8AM, Tuesday February 12, to 8PM, Thursday February 14. Election results will be announced Friday February 15 before Reading Week. All students will be receiving an email with a link to the voting page. It will only take 2 minutes to click the link and fill out your electronic ballot, so be sure to take the time and vote!

The executive positions in FedS are the President, Vice President Administration and Finance (VPAF), Vice President Education (VPED), and Vice President Internal (VPIN). When compared to last year’s election with 50 presidential candidates, there is a much smaller candidate field this year. There are two teams and one individual running to lead the Waterloo student body. The candidates are as follows:

David Collins (Team Yellow)
Jesse McGinnis (Team Teal)
Moe Bdeir

Adam Garcia (Team Yellow)
Christina Romualdo (Team Teal)

Elizabeth McFaul (Team Teal)
Natasha Pozega (Team Yellow)

Devin Drury (Team Yellow)
Mujeeb Duranai (Team Teal)

Let us not forget about the Senator positions. Right now there are two available seats: Senator At-Large and Engineering Senator. The seats in Applied Health Sciences and Math have already been claimed. Senators have one of the most influential positions of the student body by representing their constituents to make change at the university administrative level. The candidates are as follows:

Senator At-Large
Nauman Ashraf
Sean Hunt

Engineering Senator
Allyson Francis
David Birnbaum
Gabriel Richard

FedS councillor seats were all claimed for this election, therefore no voting will be required for these positions. There are still open councillor seats, so if you are interested in applying be sure to do so before the spring term begins! Contact elections@feds.ca or visit feds.ca/elections for more details on how to nominate yourself.

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