
A Summary and Farewells

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Wow, these last four months flew by. I can’t believe I am already writing my last Engsoc Executive article. I can’t even express how amazing this term was! I loved my job as VP External, I loved working with a fantastic team of executives, and I loved hanging out with old friends and making a lot of new ones (especially the 2017s!).
So, a quick summary of this term on the VP External Side:

  • Conferences: ESSCO PM. CFES PM, NCWIE, PEOSC and delegate selection for CFES Congress and FYIC.
  • High school outreach: Engineering Ambassador, Go Eng Girl.
  • Charities: Movember.
  • Community Outreach: Engineering a Difference, Santa Claus Parade.
  • A very successful Waterloo Engineering Competition (WEC).
  • Awesome mentorship program for WIE, and a great event in the SDC!
  • Planning for the UAE students who are coming to Campus in January.

And none of these things could of happened without my wonderful commissioner and directors! Thank you directors for all of your hard work, you have made this an awesome fall term for A-Soc. I really appreciate all of your hard work.
The Santa Claus parade was a huge success. We were able to show off a few student teams and our wonderful mascot, the Tool, to hundreds of people at the parade last weekend. Luckily, the weather was beautiful! All of the volunteers did a great job, and we successfully were able to hand out hundreds of Candy Canes to a lot of kids watching the parade.

On November 2nd, the Waterloo Engineering Competition was a great success. All of the teams were really impressive in solving some challenging problems! This year we will be sending two teams from Consulting, Junior Design and Senior Design to the Ontario Engineering Competition (OEC) at McMaster, in February. I would like to congratulate the winners, and wish them best of luck at OEC. The winners are as follows:

First Place:
Trevor Jenkins (4N Management)
Cameron Winterink (4N Electrical)
Second Place:
Nikrouz Ghotbi (3B Management)
Kamal Aman (3B Management)
Nasif Addnan (3B Management)
Joel Kancir (3B Management)

Senior Design:
First Place:
Dian Gadjov (3B Electrical)
Soo-Jin Moon (3B Electrical)
Yidi Lin (3B Electrical)
Bill Zhao (3B Electrical)
Second Place:
Ahmed Mezil (3B Mechanical)
Sebastian China (3B Mechanical)
Andres Cardenas (3B Mechanical)
Farhan Nomani (4A Mechatronics)

Junior Design:
First place:
Nidhi Juthani (1A Mechanical)
Sarah-Rose Lancaster (1A Mechanical)
Dan Connolly (1A Mechanical)
Daryn Huang (1A Mechanical)
Second place:
Neil Raina (1A Electrical)
Peter Argany (1A Electrical)
Ryan Orr (1A Electrical)
Karo Oki (1A Electrical)

I can’t explain how awesome this executive position is! I have had the most fantastic university experience anyone can ask for. I am very excited to hand off the position to Leila. She has a lot of ideas that will keep growing this executive position. Now, to get all sappy, Michael Seliske will be graduating this April, and I could of not done this executive position without him. He made my job so easy after doing a great job last A-Soc term when I was on co-op. Without Seliske, Engsoc would not be the same, and there would be a hole in my heart; we are really the same person. Mike, I am going to miss you a lot! I wish everyone good luck on exams, and a Merry Christmas!

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