
Bad Jokes for Everyone

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello Waterloo engineers! I’m so excited to be your VP External for the next sixteen months and will do my best to represent you and the faculty! I would like to take the time in this article to talk about what I hope to do over the next four months and what to get pumped for in spring term.

January is a very exciting month with two big conferences. The first is Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES) Congress organized by Waterloo Engineering students and the second is the First Year Integration Conference (FYIC) at Lakehead University. Delegates have already been selected, and they will be reporting back with reports and blog posts on what they have learned! Keep your eye out for applications for the next conference in June – the Engineering Student Societies Council of Ontario (ESSCO) Annual General Meeting.

Another project I will be working on is improving the Engineering Ambassador program with the faculty’s outreach director and the EngSoc directors. We hope to expand the program to include more students, offer more leadership opportunities, and have more events for incoming students at the March Break Open House and You@Waterloo day!

Directorship applications are open right now and I am so happy with the overwhelming amount of applicants for the charity and outreach directorships! I will be working with these directors over the next few months to expand the amount of charity and volunteer opportunities that EngSoc offers. Some things to look forward to are the revival of Change for Charity, a charity-purling event, and many other fun events! Other VP Ex directorships to look at are Canada day (you get to organize games for kids from the community!) and environmental director! Another project I will be working on is to start making connections with the PEO chapters (both the Grand River and the Toronto chapter near my co-op) to see what services they currently offer students and how we can improve them.

If anyone would like any more information on any of my goals or wants to help out with anything under the VP External portfolio, please send me an email or come talk to me! I’m just way too excited for the next term that I can’t think of a cosign sentence. So to finish off my first VP external IW article, here is my latest favourite bad joke! How do you catch a unique animal? Unique up on him!

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