
Two Peas in A-Soc

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hey everyone, we’re Annamaria and Brendan and we will be your VP Internal for the next 16 months! We’re really excited to work for the Engineering Society and the engineering students to expand the events and services offered. We really want to ensure that all students feel that they are getting the value out of their Engineering Society fee.

One of our short term goals is to improve the ways that events and services are advertised to the student body. We want to utilize the incoming LCD screens to show off video and slide-show advertisements. We’d also like to expand the use of social media advertising within Facebook and Twitter. Another goal is the implementation of a series of academic and student-success oriented events and workshops. This would include workshops like “How to get a job outside of Jobmine”, and “Interview Skills”. In doing this, we’re looking to broaden the range of events and services offered to the students. At the same time, we are still going to make sure that existing events are as exciting as possible. Look forward to Beach Day, Canada Day, Enginuity and more in the spring term.

We encourage you to apply for a directorship for the spring 2013 term. If you have an idea for a new event or service that is not currently on the list, no problem! We’re excited for new ideas, and we can help you start your own directorship. In addition, we are also looking for interested students to assist us with the new workshops previously mentioned. So, please contact us if you think you can help! A-Soc Directorship applications will be open until Nov 30th on the EngSoc website. Even if you don’t feel like taking on a directorship, why not come out to some Engineering Society events? If you’ve never been, you don’t know what you’re missing! Events like EngPlay and Scavenger Hunt have been some of the greatest experiences we’ve had in University.

The next 16 months will be an incredible experience for us, and we hope that the events and services offered by Engineering Society will make you feel the same way!


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