
Keeping Track of Yo’ Funds

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello Engineering Society A! My name is Kevin McNamara and I am going to be your new VP Finance for the next 16 months! I’m really looking forward to working with everyone for the next two terms, and I am very excited for the new executive team.

The job of the VP Finance is to keep track of the funds of the society, and ensure that your fees are being put to good use. This is done through the creation of a budget each term, as well as a number of other ventures such as the Engineering Capital Improvements Fund (ECIF), as well as the Sponsorship Committee. As your VP Finance I plan to ensure that your Engineering Society fee is working for you by making an effective and efficient budget that will fund the events and services that you need. Additionally, I want to work towards improving awareness of ECIF, and try to get more proposals each term so that this fund can be put to good use.

I also plan to continue pumping up novelties and coverall sales. First and foremost, I hope to get more new items in novelties (not just patches!), as well as updating some of the long-time favourites. I also plan on holding a number of design competitions so that you can have an influence on your swag! I  hope to work together with the novelties directors to have some awesome sales throughout the term, and gather your feedback on what types of items you would like to see in the store. If you have any questions, ideas, suggestions, or anything you would like to ask me or talk to me about, feel free to approach me in the halls, or contact me while we’re on co-op! I hope everyone has an awesome winter term, see you in the spring!

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