Hey everyone, my name is Anthony Clark, I’m currently in my 2A term in Comp and I am running to be the next WEEF Director on stream with A-Soc. The Waterloo Engineering Endowment Foundation (WEEF) is an exceptional opportunity for undergraduate engineering students to have a direct say in determining which projects and improvements deserve our support through funding. I absolutely love that this is possible, as all too often it feels as if students are limited in their influence.
My goals for WEEF are focused around increasing the sense of importance students have for the foundation, as well as the level of involvement they have.
First, I want to make information on WEEF funding and requests markedly more accessible to everyone. I have plenty of first-hand experience managing and presenting data in pleasant and useful formats from co-op and web design experience which would help me to achieve this. I believe that having instant access to understandable information would show YOU where YOUR ever important WEEF contributions are going and where they have gone in the past.
Second, I want to encourage WEEF funding council members and any other students who want to get involved to help with aspects other than funding allocations. The best way to convince a person that something is important is having somebody that they trust tell them so. With this in mind, I envision encouraging students with experience in WEEF to interact with other students in their classes, pointing out areas in their education where the foundation has had its influence.
Additionally, I would like to create a relationship between WEEF and the groups who receive funding from the foundation, whereby they vocally endorse WEEF rather than passively sticking the lovely stickers everywhere. Some lab instructors do this well already, but I would like to make them feel bad if they don’t!
As much as I am thankful to you for reading this, I would much rather speak to you in person – if you have any questions or suggestions please feel more than welcome talking to me when you see me around campus!
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