
Happy End of Midterm Week Everyone!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Firstly, I would like to say thank you to everyone that applied to NCWIE and PEOSC! There were a lot of awesome applications, and I am very excited to see what the delegates bring back from both conferences! Next conference is First Year Integration Conference (FYIC) this conference is run by ESSCO and is for first year students. At this conference delegates will get to meet first year engineering students from across Ontario, to talk about their experiences, and how as first year students they can help improve student life (especially with the engineering society).  It will be held in Lakehead, January 18-20th. First years who want to improve their leadership skills and become the future leaders of Waterloo Engineering PLEASE APPLY! Applications can be found at www.engsoc.uwaterloo.ca/FYIC2013, I will be spamming all of you soon, and at the next meeting! Applications are due in a week! So APPLY!

Next is the Waterloo Engineering Competition. This is an awesome competition where you get to compete against Waterloo Engineering’s brightest students for a chance to attend the Ontario Engineering Competition, and the Canadian engineering competition. Something really cool, starting this year, is the International Engineering competition, which is being run by CFES. To attend the international engineering competition, you must place at the Canadian Engineering competition in the events of Senior design, junior design and consulting! I encourage all of you to find a team! WE ARE IN NEED OF SENIOR TEAMS! For more information visit www.wec.uwaterloo.ca/.

Lastly, the same thing I have been telling you about since the first week of classes: MOVEMBER! Movember will be starting THIS Thursday! There is a launch party in POETS from 7-10pm! To sign up with the engineering society team go to http://ca.movember.com/ and look for ENGSOC2012 team! Angela and I will be sitting out in the foyer this week looking for people to join our team and to pump up Movember! I have teamed up with all faculties on campus to make sure that Waterloo can have a chance of winning the “Big Stache on Campus” award this year! Engineering is hoping to raise at least $5000 this year for Movember! I promise you, I will be rocking the stache each and every day of Movember!

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