
Say Hello to FOC 2010!!!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Howdy howdy!

We are your EngFOC for Frosh Week 2010, and we can’t wait to help the frosh of 2015 have the best week of their lives! There are only six of us though, so we’re going to need all the help we can get from you! There’s plenty of work to be done, so we’ll need Bigs, Huges and EDCOMs to ensure that everything runs as smoothly as possible. Orientation week is even more fun as a leader than as a frosh, and there are enough awesome moments to make your head spin – just ask the returning leaders! This year, we have added the position of Video Guru to the lineup – fancy yourself handy with a video camera? Have a good eye for photography? Then you can be the one who helps preserve the memories of Frosh Week 20-X for years to come.

If you want to join us for what will most surely be an incredible week of epic proportions, head right on over to www.eng.uwaterloo.ca/~foc and start applying! Applications are due before 11:59pm on Thursday, January 21

If you are applying for Huge, Video Guru or EDCOM, then you need to sign up for an interview on January 23rd or 24th. The sign-up sheet can be found on the Orifice door. If you’re coming from out of town to see us, just email us instead at engfoc10@gmail.com to reserve a spot. If you were on B-Soc during the Fall term and missed your chance to interview, it’s not too late to sign up now.

If you’re a first time leader (first year or upper year) you will need to complete Orientation Leader Training pronto! Fortunately, there are a number of sessions offered in the coming months, and we will keep you posted for more information about them. If you have any other questions or just want to chat, give us a shout at engfoc10@gmail.com
See you all soon!

Nizar Hasan

There was a once a great man by the name of Nerlin the NIZard. He loved all things Nagic and dreamed that one day life would be filled with all things Naterloo. He had a pet Nowl, wore an inNIZibility cloak and powerfully pointed his Nand. He was a God-fearing, sensible man, wanting nothing but the ability to fly. He enjoyed squash (not the vegetable), spoke Narabic, and loved using his hard hat as a Nortkey. One day he saw into the future: an epic battle will arise between 6 houses. He saw his great, great, great, great, grandson, lil Nizzle, fighting alongside Warriors with hats of all colours. And suddenly it went black…Nerlin had too much to drink the night before. And so the story ends leaving us to wonder if lil Nizzle was anything like Nerlin. Will the Warriors stand united and win the battle? It seemed that anything was possible at Naterloo…

Yes it is ladies and gentleman. Orientation will be great, you will be great and the events will be unforgettable! I am truly honoured and blessed to be taking part in this awesome week and to be working with all of you. My three years of residence orientation experience (in 3 different roles) will hopefully help me give back to Orientation 2010 all that it has given me. I can’t wait to help lead Engineering Orientation to the best it could be, and that starts now. EN GARDE annnnnnd GO!

Cassandra Leal

Some may say Cassandra was once a giraffe. With legs and arms long enough to touch ceilings, and an appetite for nomming organic food that rivals that of woodland creatures, Cassandra would seem to be at home with the animals of our planet. That may be true, but with one exception… the geese. Between counting down to the Vancouver Olympics, checking websites about average lives, or reading books about vampires or wizards, she hardly ever encounters the beasts. However, if the two do cross paths, it is of no surprise to see one of them cower and hide while the goose boasts and struts. For as long as SeanO has had a beard, Cassandra has had an unexplainable fear of the waddling, squawking, hissing, pooping, swimming and flying creatures.

Although she may appear to have a gentle and approachable demeanour, never make the one fatal error that will enrage her above all others. Never say M&M’s are the same things as Smarties. Some may wonder why she left her home in Brampton to pursue her career as a Civil Engineer at UW, however, those who are close know the real reason -to be part of FOC!

Hi! I’m Cassandra, and I’m really excited to be a member of the EngFOC team for 2010! I’ve been involved with residence orientation and faculty orientation (twice) and I hope to bring that experience towards making Orientation Week 2010 amazing for the incoming students. I am prepared to speak with all of you who have ideas for the upcoming week, and I am excited about all the responsibility this position brings! Do it live!

Stuart Pearson

As a child, his greatest ambition in life was to be a whale. Once he realized that an aquatic lifestyle was not in the cards, he traversed the globe, looking for entertainment to brighten his sorrows. Some of his adventures included fruit-fighting in the Scottish Highlands and spoon-fighting on the Alberta Oil Sands. One day, whilst swimming from Labrador to Iceland, he was attacked by pirates, and forced into labour as a mime. He spent several silent, agonizing years imprisoned in an invisible box on board their ship, surviving only on a diet of orange peels and asparagus.

In a last-ditch effort to escape his life as a pirate, he decided that he wanted to be an owl. In an improbable turn of events, he sprouted feathers and flew away to Saskatchewan. This was all well and good until he experienced an “unfortunate hunting accident” and lost an eye. That was the last straw. Stuart had enough of his life as an adventurer, and settled down as a Civil Engineering student. Now in his third year at Waterloo, he has taken on the role of FOC for Frosh Week 2010. Unverified reports claim that he “has a bit of a thing for Frosh Week” and is “just a teensy bit excited”. Time will tell.

Sean O’Neill

I’m supposed to write a bit about myself and so I thought, “Who better to describe me than a Tibetan monk?” but since I don’t have a Tibetan monk, I thought I would ask my friends to come up with a few words that they think describe me and I would put them down as they came into my inbox .

Here they are: “a-MAZ-ing, Beyond Belief, A Mime, All Of The Ghostbusters Combined, Awesome, Bear(x3), Beard(x7), Beardalicious, Bearded, Beardy, Burly, Contagious Smile, Cuddly (x4), Curious, Dance-Factory, Disobedient Xylophone, Fearsomely Beardful, Feynman-esque, Fuzzy, Hot Casserole Of Smiles, Idiosyncratic, Inverted Fire-hydrant, Knight In Shining Armor, Lumberjack, Man-Tastic (x2), Maze, Manbearpig, Military Grade Super Cat, Organized, Peculiar, Pure Unadulterated Awesome, Quirky, Sexy, Tactical Mannequin, Teddy Bear, Evil Teddy Bear, Whimsical, White-Man’s Mr. T.” (Some of these don’t make sense…).A wise old man once had this to say: “I think the best way I can describe him is “delicious”. Sean-Oh is the archetypal engineer: grizzled and thirsty. His beard was the real cause behind the shipwreck of the Titanic (you thought it was an iceberg; didn’t you?) and to this day you can still hear the faint groans of the metal hull sinking ever deeper into it. His words are like honey to your ears. Future world leaders constantly time-travel to meet him for advice, inexplicably returning to their time with armfuls of cowbells. He is the world’s least non-interesting man.”

I’m looking forward to working with all of you over the next year and I’m ridiculously excited to be one of your new FOC. I have always loved orientation week, and am going to do my best to make sure this week is just as good as or better than the one you remember having. I’ve been involved in frosh week since first year and I’ve held every ENG position at least once so I’m pretty experienced overall. Let’s get to it!

Jameela (Jam) Derrick

Born of a volcano in the vast Pacific Ocean, Jam emerged from the beautiful aquamarine waves on her 17th birthday and dismounted her pet seahorse . . . PB. “It’s time” she thought to herself, “to leave behind the taming of the wild Fijian eight-toed sloth and make my mark on this, the 21st century.” PB neighed (seahorses do that too . . . right?) with sadness at the lost of his perfect condiment counterpart, and dove into the waves, never to be seen again.

Jam got on her hovercraft and spent the next 4 months with a zebra high-tailing it to Cambridge, ON, where she spent the first four semesters of her university career trapped in a three-storey red brick dungeon, learning about architecture, and waiting for that fateful week in September when all would be right with the world.
That’s right, O-week 20-X.

Could I be more excited? Only if I could . . . no, I couldn’t.
Will I jump and/or dance on/near you at some point during the week? Count on it! Will you make memories to last a super long time? Only if you somehow manage to master using the majority of your five senses simultaneously. Don’t worry, you’ve been practicing all your life, you should be a pro.

In all serious, it’ll be awesome. Mainly ’cause you’ll be there, and all the FOC will be there . . . and anyone worth knowing, or anything worth doing will also be making a guest appearance.

Brent Carson

Brenteth of Carson hails from the forest city. He has traveled through the wide world but found nothing that would satisfy his wandering heart completely. He had many adventures and learned all that he could in the fields of math, science, art and language whilst growing out his long luscious brown locks. For a time he swam the seven seas, after having ceremoniously cut off his luscious locks so as to better guard the lives of those he encountered.

Where he could no longer swim, he skated teaching those around him the joys of speeding across the ice on a pair of blades. As chance would have it, he landed among a tribe of valiant warriors deep in the heart of the Waterloo jungle where he joined the architecture house in their clan. Impressed by their skill and knowledge of the world he stayed among them to learn their ways and ascend to their level of greatness. Now, a third year architecture student, he is on a journey of legendary proportions with the rest of FOC to prepare the most awesome welcome for all new comers into their Warrior clan in 2010.

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