Hey Everyone,
It is great to see everyone back on campus and also to see a whole bunch of new faces around. If you are just starting first year, welcome to the campus. I want to give you some basic information about the Engineering Society simply due to the sheer volume of new students picking up this paper for the first time.
First of all, the Engineering Society exists to provide the engineering undergraduate students with three main things: representation, services and events. The EngSoc executive makes representing the students opinion our top priority because it is important that our students voices are heard on academic, social, and general university matters. We provide many services to our students throughout the term including (but definitely not limited to) our exam bank, resume critiques, and various workshops. In terms of events, we host over 50 events per term, from scavenger hunts, comedian shows, talent shows, frosh mentoring events, etc. We do all of this through our 5 executives, 4 commissioners and countless directors.
Now let’s get into my update on President business…
Are you a first-year engineering student? Did you receive a black frosh kit during frosh week? Did that black bag contain a black book? If you answered yes to all of the questions except for the last one, head on down to CPH 1327 to pick up a free copy of “THE BOOK” that should have been in your frosh kit. The book contains a TON of useful information which will help you get through your first year of classes.
Have you ever been working late on a week night at the school and wished that you could get a really cheap cup of coffee without walking to the plaza? Well I have news for you! The CnD will now be open until 10 PM Monday through Thursday. Come on down and enjoy a nice cup of coffee with perhaps a little treat on the side.
A little more than a week ago now, myself and the rest of the EngSoc executive headed to Toronto to take part in the ESSCO PM conference. This conference is geared towards other Engineering Society executive all across Ontario, so it was a great opportunity for us to learn what other schools are doing and what we can be improving with our Society. With that being said, if there is something about the student experience that you think can be improved please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss it. The EngSoc executives are planning to meet with the Dean a couple times this term, meaning we can always mention things that can be done to improve the student experience during those meetings. As well, the Dean will be coming to our 3rd EngSoc meeting of the term on October 17th at 5:30 PM, so feel free to come out and ask some questions.
That’s all I have for you right now. As always feel free to contact me with any questions and/or concerns. (president.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca).
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