
Introducing the Women in Engineering First Year Mentorship Program

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

In your first year, have you ever wanted to get involved but are unsure on how to start? Have you wondered where to continue your hobbies in University? Wouldn’t life be easier if you had a mentor with similar interests that can answer all of the above?
University of Waterloo has always been one of the best in outreach programs, especially in improving female enrollment for the Faculty of Engineering. For Fall 2012, we are introducing Women in Engineering First Year Mentorship Program to continute our outreach initiatives.
You can be a part of this by becoming a mentor! The only requirement is being a female, finished at least 1A, and you will be in Waterloo in Fall. You are going to be matched with 2 to 3 mentees based on program and interests. We are planning 2 to 3 events for the term to keep you engaged with your mentees. Besides that, your communication with your mentees will be decided by you! For instance, emails, texts, phone calls, Skype or talking directly with their mentees are viable options. You will make new friends and improve your communication skills through this program.
Join our facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/groups/wie.mentorship/ for updates and registration link.

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