
Send in Your Resumes!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

JobMine is working hard to improve itself. Since the Waterloo Works project was abandoned, CECA (the co-op people) and IST (the tech people behind Quest, JobMine and other systems) have been working together to improve JobMine. The fruits of their labour have started to pay off. Many performance gains have been realized. This term, the application deadline didn’t have to be extended due to high traffic. Employers have seen improvements on their end as well.

These days JobMine is working on supporting resumes that are a PDF format. This will allow students to upload PDF documents instead of HTML. As various teams are working on this, they are looking for various potential resumes as test cases. You can help this process by taking your resume and converting it to a PDF (You can do this in Word or whatever program you used to author your PDF). Send the PDF file to coop.testpdf@uwaterloo.ca indicating your student ID number, the process you used to create the document and the operating system you are on (Windows/Mac/Linux). Taking these steps will help make PDF resumes work consistently when the feature is rolled out.

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