
Outgoing VP Internal Report

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Sniff, Sniff… It’s all over? Tear! 16 months just seem to fly by. I hope everyone really enjoyed the events this term. They were all run by a super amazing group of directors who put countless hours into making sure you had an opportunity to relieve stress and have some fun. I wish I could thank all of my directors in this report, but that would be a ridiculously long list and Kanye West might not let me finish. But not to worry my beloved directors, I will give you a hug or a high five or a handshake or a pat on the back!

Of special note, I’d like to thank the team that pulled it together for Canstruction. Samantha Pinto, Eric Cousineau, Tim Sipkens, Dushanth Seevaratnam, Michael Leung, and Alex Wade brought it together and gave an amazing example of good ol’ enginuity and built a crazy structure out of cans!

Engineering Society Meeting #6, or Potluck, will be held on March 24th, at 5:30 PM in POETS. It is a potluck, so bring some fantastic food for everyone to share! Also, new exec will be sworn in, and we will have our Winter 2010 Family Photo taken! Directors should make sure to attend for an extra appreciation gift and we will also award the Paul Harlick award for one set of amazing class reps. Also, tonight will be another EngSoc pick-up hockey game at CIF Arena at 11:00 PM. You need a stick, skates, gloves, and helmet to play. Don’t worry about your skill level, anyone can play. I’ve only picked up a stick twice and I managed to slip one by Sean for a goal! If you can’t make out to tonight’s ice game, there’s another opportunity on March 31st at 11:00 PM. On Sunday, March 28th, the Engineering jazz band With Respect to Time will be holding their termly charity fundraiser. It will be from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM in South Campus Hall’s Festival room. Tickets are on sale now in the Engineering Society Office for $10 each. All proceeds are going to Ride to Conquer Cancer (see http://www.conquercancer.ca/goto/allychan).

I had a wonderful time being your Vice President Internal. I really enjoyed working with all of you and I’m excited to see what the future holds. Sean Walsh is a fantastic guy and will be an amazing VPI for you all on A-Soc for the next 16 months. He’s got experience and energy. Thanks for all your support.

So long! Farewell! Auf weidersehen! Good-bye! Adieu, adieu, to you and you and you!

<3 Tim

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