
Incoming President Report

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Ahaha… I guess it is a good thing I have some practice writing these things, especially since there are many, many more to come…

First, I’d just like to thank everyone who came out and participated in this election. I realise that there weren’t a lot of contested positions, but it was still important that you all asked questions of all the candidates.

I am extremely excited to be your new Engsoc President for the next 16 months! It will be a whirlwind of awesome! There’s a lot I’d like to try with our Society, and I’d love to hear from all of you on what you think needs to be done. It will be an adventure, and I am happy to tackle it with all of you alongside me.

Only one piece of news to report on: Hopefully by tonight, we will have directorship applications open for this Fall. They will be online on our website www.engsoc.uwaterloo.ca. An email will be sent out to the mailing list and a link will be posted on our front page when it is all set up. Please take a look at the list! Don’t be shy, just apply, apply, apply! If you have any questions on any one of the directorships, don’t hesitate to contact me or any other exec member (past and present)! We need a fantastic group of amazing directors to maintain our high calibre events and services! You can all do it, just send in that application! If you want to apply for webmaster, please send a copy of your resume in addition to the application form to asoc_prez@engmail.uwaterloo.ca.

If any of you have a question, comment, concern, quote, or query about directorships, executives, events, services, or just Engsoc in general, send me an email! If you have new ideas or initiatives, tell me and together we can see what can be done!

Finally, I’d just like to close by thanking a lot of people. I’d like to thank Amanda Hoff for helping me write this report. Her previous report provided a lot of insight on how to write an incoming exec report. And I’d like to thank our previous exec; Mike, David, Sarah, and Eric have done a lot of incredible work over the past 16 months. I can only hope to match what you’ve put into this Society.

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