

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Well it’s already a third of the way through the term and everything is moving along quickly! First order of business is refunds. The refund period has now closed, but to anyone reading this who got their refund: Please send me an email and just let me know why. WEEF does so much for the university but it is no where near perfect, so we need your help to let us know what we can fix!

PROPOSALS ARE OPEN! That’s right, it’s that time of the term again. Proposals are how you can get funding for projects that affect you. Anyone in the world can submit a proposal to WEEF! …but there are a few conditions. First, the project must be for the benefit of UW undergraduate engineers. There also must be someone available to present the proposal to funding council the week of February 27th. Those aren’t all the rules, but if you are interested, check out our website under “funding” for more details.

Finally, there will be some by-law changes affecting how student groups must request funding, as well as tightening up rules that have been a little lax lately. Concerned? Don’t be. But seriously, come out to the Annual General Meeting to find out more and give your feedback.

You can get a hold of me any time at weef@uwaterloo.ca, or by checking out weef.uwaterloo.ca for more details.

That’s it; see y’all soon!



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