
Getting Thrown in a Dumpster?! Yukon?

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hey Engineers. Welcome back to campus and if you are a 4-stream fourth year or an 8-stream first year welcome to the A-Society!

Colour Me Educated Campaign is back and better than ever! This is an initiative hosted by FedS to raise awareness and money to provide access to education. On January 25th, 2012 student leaders from all over campus will be picked up and thrown in a dumpster which will be located in the Student Life Centre. I will be representing Engineering in this campaign and for me to be released from the dumpster Engineering will need to raise $1100!! To get the fundraising started before the day of the event, I have presented engineering with an additional challenge… muhuahaua. As you all know, purple is our engineering colour. So for me to be completely purple for the event, engineers will need to raise $200 before January 24th at midnight. If you would like to donate to this campaign before the 24th, the donation bin will be in the Engineering Society Office (CPH 1327). I hope to see all your beautiful faces in the SLC on January 25th to see the spectacle.

A little more than a week ago, some of your Engineering society executives were in Whitehorse, Yukon for the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students Annual Congress. All I am going to say is that at this conference I learned a lot of things that as a new President that will help me in this position.

Our next Engineering Society meeting will be held on January 25th at 5:30 PM in CPH 3607. I encourage everyone to attend because during the meeting we will have an update from the Dean of Engineering, Adel Sedra. We will also be reviewing the Winter 2012 budget for the Engineering Society.

If you have any questions/comments for me, please contact me at president.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca.

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