
What P**5 Means to You!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Do you know what P-to-the-5 is?  You probably hear it throughout the halls but wonder what this mysterious conglomerate of words may be?  Well P-to-the-5 (P**5) stands for Paul and Paula Plummer Participation Points.  P**5 is a term-long competition between all on-stream classes with the purpose of encouraging friendly class competition, promoting EngSoc event participation and rewarding spirited and involved classes.
Every time someone from your class attends an EngSoc event, volunteers to help with a service, has a class name and many more, your class gets points to add to your term total.  The Official List of available point earnings can be found on the EngSoc Website under the ‘Class Info’ tab.  The class with the most points at the end of the term will receive a cash prize of $500 which can be put towards anything your class wishes!
The following are the observed rules for the P**5 competition:

  1. All submissions must be made by the deadline.
  2. Off-stream Society members, Graduates, Ringed or any other special group will not be represented or listed in official standings, but can earn P**5 points (to preserve the competitive spirit).
  3. The official depository for P**5 points coupons and other submissions (other than electronic worksheets) shall be the P**5 Drop Box (aka Sexy Box), which resides in the EngSoc Office.
  4. The P**5 competition operates with transparency. Classes are free to view the allocation of points at any time upon request.
  5. The published points list is the officially used list for the current term, but P**5 directors reserve the right to award or penalize points at their discretion keeping in mind rule 4.
  6. Classes that pull a prank or stunt that is deemed offensive, destructive, unlawful or mean-hearted will be disqualified.

Submissions can be made via the Sexy Box, directly to a P**5 director (Hassan Gondal , Patrick Mikolajczak, and Tim Bandura) or by emailing p5@engmail.uwaterloo.ca.  Whatever you submit, make sure your name and/or your class is on it or you won’t get any points!  Below you will find a valuable coupon which your class can submit to the Sexy Box in the Orifice for Reading the IW and the Exec Reports!

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