
Directors are Awesome!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Do you know who are awesome? Directors!  Not only are they good at spending money, but they also put on amazing events and stellar services.   It is difficult to express how much all the Executives and Commissioners value the hard work of their directors this term.  Instead of trying, I will let the words of Bette Midler tell you and you can image Alessia and Owen singing it in a two-part harmony.

Did you ever know that you’re my hero,
and everything I would like to be?
I can fly higher than an eagle,
’cause you are the wind beneath my wings.

It might have appeared to go unnoticed,
but I’ve got it all here in my heart.
I want you to know I know the truth, of course I know it.
I would be nothing without you.

What a classic.  To date, we would like to thank the following directors who have run an event or service:  Frosh Mentoring, Poets Managers, Running Club, EngPlay, Class Rep, Music, Resume Critiques, Environment, Charities, Arts, Shadow Day, Exchange, and all of the Year Spirit Directors.   There are many more directors who are still working hard to bring you awesome times this term and I for one can’t wait.
If you are to take anything away from this article, besides my great taste in music, the next time you are at an EngSoc event or service, give the directors a big THANK YOU for their time and hard work.

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