A&E, EngSoc

FedS Councillors Reports

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello once again, from your friendly neighbourhood FedS Councillors. A few updates worth noting from the Students’ Council meeting are contained within this report, as well as some upcoming events and a welcome to some new faces to your FedS Councillor team.

First off, a big friendly welcome to Keegan Skoretz (2B Mechanical) and Chanakya Ramdev (2A Management) who were acclaimed as part of the Federation’s fall by-law. There is still one seat vacant for Engineering, and it’d be great to get it filled up before the end of this term. Nominations for this seat can be submitted at any time, and if no other nominations are received within 7 days, this seat will also be acclaimed. It doesn’t matter if you’re on co-op or on-campus, anyone can submit a package! With the expansion of our FedS Councillor team, we hope to start expanding our presence and visibility within Engineering. Feel free to e-mail any of us at any time if you have concerns, questions or comments related to FedS or any of its services or businesses.

Have you been bubbled at Campus Bubble yet? Campus Bubble is a new FedS business that has opened up attached to Wasabi in the main atrium. Campus Bubble is the new bubble tea joint on campus that offers over 40 flavours, at a cost lower than the plaza. It’s open from 10am-10pm Monday to Thursday, and 10am-5pm on Fridays, meaning that you can get your Bubble Tea fix late into the evening. Be sure to check it out!

Finally, the head of Communications and Public Affairs for the University came to Students’ Council to provide an update on the new website redesign. If you thought the current “new” website was the last iteration of the rebranding then you’ll be disappointed. A new website will hopefully be launched by the end of this term that will provide a better user-experience to key stakeholders right away, instead of requiring them to navigate to other pages or menus to access the information they want. The decision to build upon the current site was based on the feedback of over 1600 students, faculty, staff and alumni who took the website review survey over the past few months. The feedback from that survey is driving this proposal forward, so we should have a site that works for everyone by the end of this year. A very basic concept plan was presented to Students’ Council; however it will still be undergoing a user-accessibility review before going live. The current concept looks like a hybrid of the old website, which provided updates on research, news and events, and the sleeker version of the website we have now. More details can be found at web.uwaterloo.ca.

Thanks for taking the time to read this report. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about anything you’ve read here, or about anything else related to the Federation of Students, please don’t hesitate to stop any of us in the halls, or send us an e-mail (t.ek.jenkins@gmail.com).

Good luck getting those midterms back!

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