
Defence Against Unfair Midterms

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Midterms are coming up for most of us, but this term they might be just a little bit
easier. In September, additions to policies on midterms were passed at Senate. Senate is
the University’s decision making body and has the ability to change Examination policy.
Previous B-Soc VP Educations have worked hard to bring these policies to faculty and make
a difference for students.

What does this mean for you? All the policies surrounding midterms and term tests are
defined on page 6 of a document at registrar.uwaterloo.ca/exams/schedule.pdf. The
highlights include the following:

– Material tested should be introduced at least two days prior to the exam/test.

– Nobody can be required to write an exam/test that is outside 8:30 to 10:00 Monday through Friday.

– Tests and exams should not be held during the last 5 days of the term unless it is a lab

– Instructors should attempt to accomodate students who have co-op interviews conflicting
with an exam.

What should you do if these rules are not followed? Talk to your instructor, they may just be
oblivious to these rules. Show your instructor the examination policy document and explain
to them why you are negatively impacted by the rules. If talking to your prof is unsuccessful, try escalating it to your undergraduate chair. If you need advice on how to deal with a tough situation don’t hesitate to email me at vpeducation.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca

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