
Waterloo Engineering: Why you should be proud to be a student here

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

It was the privilege of the President and VP Education of the Engineering Society to attend the Dean’s Dinner on Thursday, October 6. The dinner awards excellence in teaching within the faculty, research, milestones, as well as accomplished alumni in the areas of community service and contribution to the profession, as well as the school.

Throughout the night, individuals and teams were awarded for their efforts in bettering the Faculty of Engineering through their various contributions. As the evening progressed, it became more and more obvious of the talent and hard work that has gone into this Faculty, and how many accomplished individuals have attended Waterloo and been positively influenced in their time here. One award recipient remarked “Whenever times get hard, I remember going through Computer Engineering at Waterloo and knowing I can get through it”. Regardless of the reminder of stress that this remark brings along with it, the comment tells a promising truth. Waterloo Engineering prepares you for something, for the trials and tribulations of the real world. A successful, well-spoken and intelligent young individual felt that his education at Waterloo gave him something to help him make it in life.

It is often difficult for students to see the rewards of their hard work and demanding curriculum at Waterloo while they are studying for midterms or pressed for time to complete a project. However, I think it is worth noting that every alumni award recipient at the dinner seemed genuinely thankful for their years at Waterloo and the lessons they learned, both academically, and in life.

The dinner, aside from giving recognition where recognition was merited, shows something that is quite valuable to the average student; you are surrounded by gifted people. Your professors win awards for their teaching and research, your classmates win awards for their work, and whether you want to pursue those paths or not, you have the opportunity to learn and grow form these fantastic people around you. That is a great benefit of your education, to be influenced by people who are down to earth yet inspired. It is an opportunity that you should never pass up, and that we hope continues at this school now and in the future.

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