
Welcome to EngSoc: About the University of Waterloo Engineering Society

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

What is EngSoc?

EngSoc, short for Engineering Society, is your undergraduate student society. It’s like a student council for engineering students, that takes on a wider variety of initatives. EngSoc tries to provide social and academic betterment of your undergraduate engineering experience through events, services and representation.

Why is there an A-Soc and a B-Soc?

As the co-operative education program is mandatory for all engineering students, the Engineering Society has an “A-Society” (A-Soc) and “B-Society” (B-Soc) so that there is always an executive team on campus while the other is on co-op. The on-stream (on campus) society this term is B-Soc.

What kind of social events do you run?

EngSoc hosts lots of social events. We recognize that engineering students are a diverse group of people who work hard, but like to have fun as well. There’s an event for everyone throughout the term, so check out the calendar at http://engsoc.uwaterloo.ca/events or see below for a sneak peak at what’s in store for the month of September!

***Insert calendar attached an excel***

What kinds of services does EngSoc offer?

EngSoc has a TON of services, and many of them will make your transition from high school to university much smoother.

Some of our services available online are:

  • Exam  Bank
  • Work Report Centre
  • Course Critiques

We also provide skills development through:

  • Resume Critiques
  • Interview Critiques

EngSoc also runs the swag store “Novelties” and the “CnD” which is the coffee and  donut shot, both located in the CPH foyer . There is also cheap photocopying, binding, laminating, faxes available to students in the EngSoc Office. The front desk staffed 8:30 am – 4:30 pm to answer miscellaneous student questions and help you with any services offered by the engineering society.

What’s POETS?

POETS, named after the British form for “TGIF” is the engineering student lounge space located just off the main foyer in CPH. EngSoc maintains it, and the POETS managers play movies and TV shows  there during the day. EngSoc also provides games and activities to play in POETS just by signing them out in the EngSoc office with you WatCard.

POETS is also a venue for student group events. You can rent out POETS for the evening to have a class party, or meet with a club. You should also check out some of the cool programming that goes on Thursdays and Fridays when POETS is a licensed venue, such as Open Mic and Rock Band.

How does EngSoc represent me internally and externally?

Internally, EngSoc is officially your voice to the faculty and the rest of the University. The Executives sit on countless committees, councils, groups, and even tribunals. Yes, EngSoc fights for your rights as well! For more details on where and how EngSoc represents you, check the link http://engsoc.uwaterloo.ca/executive/representation.

Externally from the campus, our student society is a member of ESSCO (Engineering Student Societies Council of Ontario) and CFES (Canadian Federation of Engineering Students), and interacts with students from other parts of the world as well. Waterloo attends several conferences each year and brings along student delegates, of which you could be one if you apply! For more info on conferences check the link http://engsoc.uwaterloo.ca/events/conferences.

To keep up with EngSoc throughout your undergraduate career:

See our various public outlets to keep up on events, services, representation and getting involved yourself!

Facebook:                          UW Engineering Society

Twitter:                               @EngSoc

Mailing List Sign-Up:        http://tiny.cc/engsocmail

Website:                             www.engsoc.uwaterloo.ca

YouTube:                            http://www.youtube.com/user/UWEngsoc

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