
Letter to the Dictator of Allowed Content

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Dearest Dictator of Allowed Content,

This is probably the first actual letter to the editor The Tin Soldier has ever received, but I felt it was necessary to allow the readers of The Tin Soldier who look forward to some comedy every 4 months to know that there may have been more laughs in this issue if The Tin Solider was not being censored.  I have attached the photo as a final plea to at least have it printed as a letter to the editor, but if it does not appear, then please head on over to [redacted] to take a look at the picture that was rejected.


Michael Solaris
Michael Solaris Photography

Dictator of Allowed Content Note: Unapproved content has been redacted.

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