
Section 666

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Electrical and Computer Engineering has long been one of the flagship departments for the University of Waterloo; however, ECE has its dark side. Many eager prospective students are lured in by promises of excellent education and even better career opportunities. First year seems good with a large amount of control and guidance coming from the first year engineering office, however, this all changes for second year. For those that are unaware, there is mandatory completion of the Authorization of Soul Transfer Form. If you are in ECE and have yet to fill out the form, there may be large late fees. This form can be found at Students receive section 666 of the policy manual on delivery of the form to room 0666 of EIT. The following is a summary of then most often implemented policies under section 666.
Subsection 666.0: Time Commitment
(a) Students are expected to spend 20 hours a week dedicated to each course.
(b) If a course is offered from another department with a similar description, the ECE version of the course must cover at least twice as much material at twice the detail.
(c) Instructors are to coordinate in order to ensure that major projects are due in groupings.
Subsection 666.1: Labs
(a) If labs cover material presented in lectures, they are to cover content prior to the content being covered in lectures.
(b) Lab groups that are completing labs on-time must be informed of further restrictions.
(c) Lab groups that continue to complete on-time after (b) is implemented must be provided with faulty equipment.
(d) The expectations for lab procedures should be detailed, but these details should not be provided to students.
(e) Lab manuals should be reviewed yearly for material to be removed. It is mandatory that material is removed during each of these reviews. Actual lab requirements should not be changed to accommodate the removal of procedure steps.
Subsection 666.2: Examination
(a) Final exams are to be worth 50% minimum.
(b) If a student does poorly on an exam, this exam is to be worth more.
(c) Midterm exams should not be short enough for a student to complete in the time permitted.

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