
From the Desk of the President: Yay! Futures!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

I hope you all had a fantastic holiday weekend! Whether you just stayed in and polished off some work, partook in Canada Day celebrations somewhere or took off for a cottage, I hope you had a great weekend. I stayed here and not only got a fair bit of work done, but also had a great time helping out with the Canada Day celebrations at Columbia Lake! If you are ever looking for some Canada Day plans for next year, try Columbia Lake (and volunteer to help out with the Engineering part of the festivities!).

Joint Council, despite being a bit long, saw a number of positive changes. We passed motions for the creation of a new capital improvements fund and a committee for policy manual and constitution review. A mandate was passed to have the new Society Executive draft mission and vision statements by next summer. For more details, read the minutes from Joint Council (which will be posted on the website soon).

Thanks to Amanda, Ben, Cam, and Derek (your POETS Managers) for putting on a great MOT. There were a number of great costumes for the theme of creatures of the night! I saw a racoon and a skunk and a dragon (oh my!), plus a number of people dressed as students! It was unreal. I can’t wait for EOT!

Congratulations to our new Executives! And to Rebecca Cameron for running a superb election despite the different nature we operated under this time. I will properly write congratulatory remarks for Leah Allen, Angela Stewart, David Birnbaum, Mike Seliske, Lisa Belbeck, Derek Thompson, and Brock Kopp in my final executive report next issue. But I want to properly give a shout out to Sean Walsh, Eric Evenchick, Liz Celentano, John Catton, Harry Hall, Cameron Winterink, Mina Labib, and Gareth Price for running. It takes a lot to run, and I know you are all fantastic, amazing, and incredible people. I’ve worked with nearly all of you, so I can make that statement with definite certainty, and extrapolate for those I don’t know. I hope you keep that drive going for whatever you put your minds to next!

I attended the Educations and Promotions (E&P) committee meeting last Monday and Tuesday. This meeting is a confidential meeting in which the committee reviews petitions from students for the previous term. I attend to represent the students’ voice on the committee. Upcoming items for me include Council Meeting #5 on July 6th, competing in the Cardboard Boat Races for Enginuity on July 7th, and the Alumni Golf Tournament on July 10th. July is again a quiet month for meetings and presidential things. So, where’s your boat?! Or your golf clubs (those you can rent if required), because there’s room for a few more intrepid paddlers for cardboard boats or a few more golfers (little skill required).

Until next time!

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