What laptop should I get?
Windows is superior unless you need a specific software or app that is not offered on Windows, because for the most part Windows can do anything you need it to. Acer, HP, and ASUS are good brands.
Do I need to buy textbooks?
Yes and No. Maybe try not to buy new ones; get used books or you can borrow some from the library. You can also find some textbooks online. There are many first year textbooks you can use throughout your degree and will not have to repurchase new editions (unless there’s some weird reason your prof reallllllly wants the 11th edition instead of the 10th). Sometimes you will get a textbook and won’t even look at it once.
How do I access tutoring services?
Login to https://portal.uwaterloo.ca/#/services/tutorConnect/
What are tutorials?
Specific times outside of class where either teaching assistants, or sometimes the prof themselves, will answer questions about the homework, assignments, or class material. If during the time it is not busy, you can ask other questions if appropriate as well.
Do I have to go to them?
Some tutorials are mandatory so please check. Some are just drop in question time.
How many hours do you spend on work?
Depending on the student, it can range anywhere from no time to 24 hours and no sleep. In general though, you will spend most of your time doing school work in some way, whether it’s homework, assignments, or preparing for tests, midterms, and exams. OH, and don’t forget writing lab reports.
How does WaterlooWorks work?
You will login to https://waterlooworks.uwaterloo.ca/home.htm on the student side. Your information will be there and you can look for co-op jobs, set up interviews, and much more. Even if you are not in co-op, there is a section for you to find jobs and other opportunities as well.
Is the dining hall food good?
Questionable. In dire times, I’m sure it tastes like fine dining.
Do the geese actually bite?
Yes. I saw an innocent girl walking to class minding her business when a goose flew on her head and attacked her.
Shame on you for asking.
Is it true I’ll get diarrhea if I eat Lazeez?
Probably if you are weak smh.
How much are supplies for an Engineering program?
This varies greatly on your preference, classes, and sometimes how picky the prof is on certain things.
How do you study?
I don’t.
How do I connect with profs?
I don’t know. I haven’t spoken to a single person since starting at this school.
What does my Watcard do?
Your Watcard is your bus pass, meal card, student ID, take it everywhere with you, become one with it. You need to bring it to tests, midterms, exams, for anything and everywhere.
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