
The Gods of Light Will Shine on POETS Nevermore

Boy are you all in for a treat. So much has happened the past few weeks, and I’m super excited to share all my work with you! Hopefully everyone’s had a chance to melt in this climate change-fueled heat as well as relax with a few of the new Blockbuster movies out now. I know I’m personally excited for Wonder Woman! On to the business at hand.

There was a licensed day in POETS on May 25th, and we met minimum! For those who don’t know, minimum is the certain amount of alcohol that must be sold so that bar services doesn’t charge us for their time. Since this event was such a smashing success, we’ll continue with our plans to hold the event again at the end of each month. The next event is on June 29th, also from 12:00 – 16:00, so come and hang out again!

The lamp for the POETS projector has arrived!… but… we still need to wait on installation for the projector to illuminate the dim walls of POETS once more. Hopefully this will happen sometime in the current week, or even by the time you read the paper.

Coverall sales are now over for the term, but you can look forward to their arrival late in June if you did order a pair. Speaking of orders, I also ran a pre-order for Raspberry Pis through RidgidWare, and we were very successful. We were able to order 3 additional RBPis that will now be available for sale in RidgidWare.

RidgidWare’s relationship with ECE is taking shape. We are now going to be accepting payments from students in MTE 220 who needed to purchase new components in lab. This is basically free money for us, and it’s going to allow us to purchase a bunch of new stock that can be available for both students of MTE 220 and others to purchase parts conveniently on campus. As always, we are still looking for more help with RidgidWare, so please email me if you’re interested (vpfinance.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca).

Finally, there is a new drop down menu on our website (engsoc.uwaterloo.ca) called Finance. I’ve consolidated a few different financial documents and forms from where they were previously scattered to the wind and, as soon as it gets approved, there will also be a Directorship Resource page that will hold a description of the budgeting process for directors, as well as downloadable forms for Expense Statements and Budget Proposals so you don’t need to go digging through your emails or come into the orifice to fill anything out! You’ll still have to hand it in in person, but this allows you to get all the prep work out of the way so you can stop and drop, so to speak.

Now, as my time comes to a close, know that there is so much more I wish I could share, so if you ever have any questions or concerns, you can easily track me down (except Tuesdays and Thursdays, my schedule is very open). Thanks to all who made it this far for caring. See you next time!

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