1: Term Total
Total Responses: 343
Number of surveys sent: 3920
Response %: 9%
2: Does your family support you financially? (316 responses)
No: 36%
3: Average Cost of Living for a 4 month School Term (297 responses)
4: Average Cost of Living for a 4 month Work Term (256 responses)
5: Have you applied for local aid or other bursaries to pay for school? (253 responses)
Yes: 50%
No: 40%
Not Yet: 9%
6: Have you applied for OSAP? (253 responses)
Yes & Received: 51%
Yes & Denied: 12%
No: 36%
7: Do you have a loan for academic purposes? (255 responses)
Yes: 47%
No: 42%
Not Yet: 10%
7a: How much is the student loan? (144 responses)
$1-999: 4%
$1000-1999: 3%
$2000-4999: 6%
$5000-9999: 15%
$10000-19999: 23%
$20000+: 49%
8: Has the differential tuition increases caused you hardship? (259 responses)
Yes: 61%
No: 20%
Not Yet: 20%
9: How much debt do you expect to be in by graduation? (253 responses)
No Debt: 25%
<$4999: 6%
$5000-9999: 11%
$10000-19999: 12%
$20000-39999: 26%
$40000+: 21%
10: Do you live at home while at school? (257 responses)
Usually: 9%
Used to: 2%
No: 90%
11: Have you lived at home while on work terms? (246 responses
Always: 7%
Sometimes: 55%
Never: 38%
12: Average of the weekly salary while on work term (180 responses)
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