
EngSoc Presidential Nominations: Thomas Willert

Hi all! I’m Thomas Willert, and I’m running for EngSoc President. I have been invested in the Engineering Society since my 1A term. In my time, I have been very externally oriented by making great connections with other universities and organizing multiple events with Ryerson, U of T, and McMaster. Through working with these schools, I have learned of many issues, not just faced by our school, but as engineers in general. As well as this, this past winter I organized and hosted the ESSCO annual interschool hockey tournament, which was a great success.

I’m running for the position of EngSoc President as an opportunity to make the events and outreach of the society better match the interests of the students. As president, I am aiming to look internally and research the way events are chosen and run, as well as research an actual target demographic for the Society. With this, we can shift our focus to find a better way to bring events that interest larger groups of students. With this, a big goal of mine is to introduce a winter and spring ‘welcome back week’ in order to maintain the momentum our student body has after Orientation Week. With a shortened Orientation Week, it gives the Society a better chance to engage both the first-years and the Orientation Leaders throughout the year. Being able to combine BOT, Scunt, and other events during both of these weeks makes up for the reduced time and maintains time-honoured traditions.

Overall, the Engineering Society has just undergone major political restructuring. So now it’s time to test these new roles and make the system work for the students.

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