Hello again! First of all, congratulations to all fourth years who were ringed last weekend. After the past 5 years, it’s very well deserved. To everyone else, hopefully the past two weeks have been treating you well, and you’re feeling good about midterms. I’ll be looking far ahead for this article, to put two events on your radar for March, (early, I know).
First, we have a WaterlooWorks demo in the CPH Foyer from 11:30 – 1:30 on March 3rd. I hope that this will give students an opportunity to talk to CECA staff about the software, have an opportunity to try using it, and give any feedback you think would be helpful. I’ve also inquired about getting a developer from Orbis Communications to answer more technical questions about the new software. In the meantime, if you have questions you can email: waterlooworks@uwaterloo.ca.
Secondly, we’ll be running our EngSoc Career Fair on March 9th! It’ll be taking place in E5, on the second floor. We’re trying to cover as many programs as possible, to appeal to as many fourth years as we can. If you have any companies you’ve interned for, and would like to see them at the event, feel free to pass any contact information along to careerfair@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca.
Last week we opened up nominations for our Teaching Excellence Award. Each term, EngSoc “recognizes instructors, meaning professors, lecturers or laboratory instructors, that have shown outstanding contributions towards undergraduate learning.” Nominations close March 1st, so there’s still lots of time! You can find the nomination form on our Facebook page, and if you have any questions, you can email: teachingaward@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca.
One of my platform points when I ran was to organize an academic rep meeting, for all reps across all programs. I’ve begun reaching out to staff in each program, and have begun compiling my list of reps. If you’re an academic rep this term, feel free to email me at vpeducation.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca and introduce yourself! I’m hoping to have the meeting towards the end of this month, so keep an eye out for an email from me!
On that note, one of the main agenda items at the meeting will be course critiques. This term, we’re transitioning to 100% online course critiques, with a few exceptions. Students will still have time in class, about 15-20 minutes, to complete the evaluation online. Profs should be giving time at the start of the lecture, rather than the end, in order to encourage participation. A small trial was run for online critiques in the Fall term, and overall participation rates were virtually the same as handwritten critiques. I hope that this trend continues, and we can actually increase participation.
As always, if you have any questions, feel free to send me an email or stop by the Orifice! I’m usually there, or will be right back if I’m out. Enjoy Reading Week, and good luck on midterms!
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