Humour, Tin Soldier

Uh Oh, Those Summer Nights!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

With the success of all the events this term and after some discussion with the faculty, we have decided to run 10 term parties for the next term.  They are BOT, MOT, EOT, BMOT, MMOT, MEOT,BEOT, DOTSWOT (Day of the Silly Walks OT), PNATQ (PlOTform 9 ¾ ), and SITMOTTBNQTEOTMOT (Somewhere In the Middle Of The Term But Not Quite The End Or The Middle OT).  They are all mandatory if you want to graduate, you must stay for the entire time, and only the first 100 people get in.  The rooms are also randomized, and we will not tell you where they are. Good luck out there!  (Also, they are not licensed).

Mental Health Therapy Dogs is also going under a small adjustment.  Instead of bringing puppies, the National Service Dogs will be providing therapy cacti for cuddling.  Research has shown that cuddling plants that don’t get cuddled very often makes the plants feel better and doing something nice for someone else makes you feel better.

We will be introducing a new directorship, More Cowbell!  This director will be responsible for carrying a cowbell around campus and if, by chance, someone says they need more cowbell, this director can provide more of it.  Cowbell will be stolen from an actual cow, Bessie, who is currently enrolled in Rec and Leisure and probably won’t be too happy about it.  Directors must be prepared to run for their lives.  EngSoc will not be held responsible for any cow related damages.

Finally, the dik-dik dickcissel fever is so real!  Students have been rallying for a dik-dik dik-dik dickcissel tournament, and one they shall have. There has been talk of an actual dik-dik and dickcissel being present to judge the tournament.  Directors will be in charge of preventing the judges from relieving themselves on the playing field, and if that is unavoidable, at least cleaning up after them.

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