EngSoc, Tin Soldier

Cutting-EDge Changes for Next Term

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello hello! In this article, I will be going over some of the plans and upcoming changes for Spring 2016 that I did not have space for in my original Exec Update. Buckle up, because it’s going to be great!

Returning the Lost O-Week Days

Great news if you’re an Orientation leader! FEDES (the Federation of Engineering Students) is a new action force on campus that has decided losing O-Week days is unacceptable. FALL term students will now attend specially-scheduled make-up lectures* on Victoria Day, Canada Day and Civic Holiday, to get back the 2 days of Orientation Week that everyone lost to the Fall Reading Break.

*for those at a co-op location requiring two or more hours of travel to Waterloo, they will instead make up their Orientation Week lectures by buying their professors cupcakes of delicious varieties.

Professional Development

Due to the fact that everyone is already super professional, we will no longer take formal PD courses on co-op. As a substitute for accreditation requirements and sustaining reputation, good fashion deals will be regularly posted on UW-Learn so that we can shop for business casual and look as professionally-developed as we already are.

Academic Rep Election Rules

Traditionally, classes have had elections conducted by WEEF TA’s if they are in first year, and conducted their own elections if they are upper-year. Starting in the Spring, new formal election rules will be implemented and regulated by FEDES. Keep a sharp eye if you plan on running for class rep:

1. There will now be 20 elected class reps per class instead of 2, so that reps can utilize crowd persuasion on their professors to get their way.

2. Class reps can receive a maximum of 20 votes to be elected. If more votes are received, the candidate is clearly too popular and/or experienced, the post should be given to someone who can learn more from it.

3. Candidates are encouraged to bring animal mascots to persuade their classmates to vote for them. Choice examples are puppies, dik-diks and chinchillas. It is fine if candidates do not wish to bring a cute animal, they will just probably not win.


In an attempt to promote spirit and co-op awareness, FEDES (the Federation of Engineering Students) is now accepting wagers on the real launch date of WaterlooWorks. Bets will be accepted from now until December 32. For odds and more details, go to fedes.ca/willtherebeanymoredelays?

Final Exams

Last, but not least, August 2016 represents a very special month in the history of time: the numerical form of the month is 08/16, representing the fraction 8/16, which if fully reduced becomes 1/2, also known as half. In honour of this extraordinary occasion, for the Spring 2016 term alone, only the first half of the term will be taken into account for course grades. You know what this means… There will be no need to show up to final exams! In the words of Albus Dumbledore, “All exams have been canceled!” #wow

That’s it for today. If there are any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me at vpedgy.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca!

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