
What Happened and What’s Coming Up!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello, people of the Engineering Society!

Hell week is over!  You might be in a bit of rough shape (I know I am), but you survived, so congratulations!  Now you can move on with the rest of the term and look forward to some more of the awesome events that are coming up!

Mental Health Awareness Week

During Upper Year Hell Week, we ran Mental Health Awareness Week, to try and promote mental health as well as to offer advice on services available to help. We also shared other people’s past experiences and how they got through them.  We had Post-Secret Week and got so many submissions!  It was great to see everyone sharing their struggles and encouraging others with posts such as “you’re not alone”.  We also hosted Let’s Talk Mental Health, which was a discussion group for sharing tips how to stay healthy and where to go if you needed help, as well as personal experiences.  Last but not least, the National Service Dogs made a second visit to POETS, which everyone seemed to enjoy!

Upcoming Events

Now that Hell Week is over, there are plenty of exciting events for you to participate in, including TalEng, Semi-Formal, Career Fair, Waterloo Engineering Competition (WEC), and EngHack, along with many other smaller events.  These are all coming up this month, and we would love to see you there!  Show off your talents at TalEng.  Get fancy for Semi Formal.  Network at Career Fair.  Design things and win prizes at WEC and participate in the EngSoc hackathon, EngHack.


Be sure to sign the P**5 sheets at each EngSoc event to earn P**5 points so you can help win money for your class!  So far Mechanical 2017 is in the lead!  Be sure to come on out and earn those points!!!

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