
Lots Tu Look Forward Tu

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

The days are growing shorter, the air is getting brisker, and autumn leaves are scattering across the campus grounds. What does it all mean? That it’s midterm season, of course! Incidentally, it’s also time for another update from your friendly neighbourhood VP Finance!

Not a lot seems to have happened on the surface of the Engineering Society since I last wrote to you. Sure, the Executive had a great time dressing up as Pac-Man and the ghosts (Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clyde are their names, if you didn’t know) and handing out candy, but what’s really going on? What are they planning beneath their insidious, retro-gaming Halloween costumes? Will Don stop writing rhetorical questions and let us know what’s going on? Sure, since you asked so nicely.

On the topic of sweet engineering merchandise, I’m very excited to say that Novelties is now having a patch sale! A whole bunch of patches are now selling for $2.50 a piece, including the Ringed patch, Waterloo patch, departmental patches, and more! Swing by Novelties to take advantage of these prices while they last!

There’s also a ton of events coming up. If you’ve taken a look on the Engineering Society calendar (or simply just extrapolated from how busy your life seemed in October), November is going to be a super busy month, with TalEng and Semi-Formal but two of the many, many events coming up. Quite a few of these will require financial support from the Society, which means a helping hand from yours truly. We’ve also got the Sponsorship Committee meeting coming up. We will be hearing from all sorts of student teams and groups as to how they’ll be able to benefit our student community!

That’s all I got for now, folks. As always, feel free to reach out to me at vpfinance.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca. Now, if you’ll pardon me, I am going to go back to my cave and keep studying for my remaining midterms.

Take care, everyone!

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