Hello A-Society Members! I’m Eric Shi and I’d like to be your next Director of the Waterloo Engineering Endowment Foundation. I’m currently in 3A mechatronics engineering, and I have served as an Engineering Society class representative since 1A. I am very enthusiastic and approachable, so please feel free to stop me in the hall to chat if you see me.
I believe that WEEF is extremely important, and while class WEEF reps vote on funding, I feel that every student should be aware and have a say. Collectively, I want to work together with each and every one of you to ensure that funds are allocated to where they can best benefit students. This includes student teams, lab upgrades, machine shop equipment, and educational resources.
Did you know that WEEF funding proposals are reviewed and approved by undergraduate engineering students only? I will work with WEEF reps to ensure that classes are more aware of what is being funded and how they can get involved with proposals.
Another thing I would like to work on is getting students to provide feedback for which labs could use new equipment. I want to accomplish this by taking feedback from students from all engineering departments through a brief survey.
I also want to enhance the existing WEEF infrastructure. Firstly, I want to fix bugs with the WEEF website that can make submitting proposals difficult, and add a new feature to help identify underfunded and underrepresented departments. Having diverse ways of communicating with the student body is important. I plan on reviewing the existing lines of communications WEEF uses and brainstorming with class representatives about how we can better reach out to the student body. I also plan on updatingoutdated posters and running another design competition for a WEEF lab poster.
Thanks for reading and remember, Vote Shi for WEEF.
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