
President: Updates, Updates, and More Updates!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello engineering students and welcome back for a fun filled summer term! A few updates from while you were gone on coop. The new BSoc Executive team was elected and we are in the midst of our elections right now! Campaigning starts today so look out for the posters, websites, and get informed on exactly what each candidate plans on accomplishing and the experience that backs them up. The Executives are responsible for shaping the vision and direction of the Society so if there are new initiatives you want to be see done make sure to ask those questions during elections and then hold them accountable once they take office! Once voting starts you will receive an e-mail to your @uwaterloo account with your personalized voting link. All on-term engineering students have a vote so make sure you use yours!

Second update, I hope last term you remember that A-Society held a referendum and A-Society voted “yes” to the optional fee to support E7. Since we are a joint Society we are required to run two referendums on both streams to ensure every student has a chance to participate and have their voice heard. Over the Winter term B-Society voted “no” to the referendum which means that this fee will not be implemented. What does this mean for students? This means that once the building is complete we will not have naming rights to the space and the optional fee will not be implemented. Dean Sullivan wrote an article last term for the Iron Warrior which goes more into detail on the referendum results so if you are interested I encourage you to view that on the IW website’s PDF archives (Winter 2015 Issue 5).

And lastly an update on some initiatives I’ve been working on. One item I started working on in the Fall term was the implementation of an elective syllabus bank. While it has been going slower than I hoped, we are making good progress and I am optimistic we will have a basic framework in place by the end of the term. On the note of banks, I know there have been concerns about the exam bank and the switch from the old bank. We have been listening to the feedback and are working to implement the increased search functionality as well as some new features not possible on the old site. Lastly, another large initiative I have been working on is with the Executive Review Committee formed last September. We will be proposing a new Executive structure at this summer’s Joint Annual General Meeting. This change will hopefully work to more align the Exec positions with the mission and vision of the Society and give them more freedom to implement new initiatives.

Anyway thats all for now. Don’t forget to vote and if you have any questions send me an e-mail at president.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca 🙂

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