Hello again B-Soc, I hope you all made it through midterms in one piece! We are now halfway through our term, and the Society Calendar is as full as ever. There are a few items of special importance to note coming up in the next few weeks: the Term General Meeting, and the E7 Referendum!
The upcoming Engineering Society General Meeting is a great place to have your opinion voiced and represented. Every paying member of B-Society will be eligible to vote on the items presented. Currently there is a call for agenda items (due Sunday March 8th), and interested members are encouraged to submit motions to be considered at the meeting! If you have an idea but would like assistance to translate it into a motion, please do not hesitate to contact me at president.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca before this Friday (the 6th) and I would be happy to help you! The agenda will then be approved by the Engineering Society’s Board of Directors and released for your consideration by Friday March 13th.
With the agenda’s release, a proxy form will be made available online for members who are unable to attend the meeting themselves, but would still like to be represented at the meeting. Each member in attendance will be allowed to hold their own vote plus one proxy vote, so please make sure you proxy to someone who does not already hold a proxy vote. Hard copies of proxy forms will also be available in the Engineering Society Office (CPH 1327). You must submit your form through your official Quest email address to speaker.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca, or in person to the Engineering Society Office’s front desk.
Concurrently, the Engineering 7 Student Donation Referendum campaigning is underway. The referendum question is as follows:
“Are you in favour of a one million dollar student donation to the building of Engineering 7 paid through an optional fee of $25 dollars per student per term to be collected starting once the building is open and continuing until the one million dollar contribution has been fully paid, with any collected surplus acquired after the final payment has been made going towards furnishing the undergraduate student spaces in the building?”
For more information, you can find each committee’s statement in this issue of the Iron Warrior, as well as a general overview of the referendum here: engsocwp.uwaterloo.ca/?p=978. Please don’t hesitate to contact me to request clarifications on the referendum question, information regarding the building of Engineering 7, or to be directed to election resources. In addition, any questions regarding election procedures, including any concerns regarding voting, can be sent to the CRO Jennifer at cro.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca.
As always, I can be reached at president.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca anytime, and would love to hear from you. Also, if you’re interested in becoming more involved in the discussion and decisions surrounding engineering students, make sure you come out to the next Engineering Society Council meeting on March 4th at 5:30pm in the E5 LiveLink Room (3101). All are welcome, and I look forward to seeing you there!
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