
A Message from Your Chief Returning Officer

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello Engineering Society “B”! I’m sure you’ve all noticed the election posters going up around the engineering buildings. It is now time to elect your new set of executives for the engineering society!

My name is Andrew Davidson, and I am the Chief Returning Officer (CRO) for the engineering society executive elections. The role of the CRO is to organize and promote the elections, set and enforce rules ensuring fair play amongst the candidates, and to ensure all candidates are equally represented. During this time I will be attempting to provide as much information as possible to you about the election and the candidates.

The positions available this election are President, VP Finance, VP External, VP Internal, VP Education and the WEEF director. For the next 16 months, the individuals elected to the executive team will have the task of representing you and the engineering society on matters such as student life and events, academics, inter-faculty and inter-school relations, waterloo community presence, and student support. The WEEF director will have the responsibility of running the Waterloo Engineering Endowment Fund.

It is now the campaigning period of the elections. During this time, the nominees will have the chance to present their platforms and tell you all about themselves.

Feel free to approach any of the candidates during this time to get to know them and learn about their goals. In addition, there will be an all candidates forum taking place on Thursday, January 29th at 12:00pm in CPH foyer. This will be an open question forum. At this time, you will have the opportunity to ask candidates questions about their platforms.

After campaigning closes at midnight on Friday January 30th, you will now have the chance to vote for the candidate of your choice. Voting opens at noon on Saturday January 31st, and closes at noon on Wednesday February 6th. The voting will be conducted online. In addition, there will be a voting booth located outside of POETS, in CPH foyer so students may place their votes and make further inquiries about a nominees platform.

I encourage you all to vote and get to know the candidates who will be running to represent you for the next 16 months. If you have any questions about the elections, feel free to email me at cro.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca. To help you get informed, the nominees have each written a summary of their platform and a blurb introducing themselves in the next section.

Now, let’s meet your candidates!

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