
Teresa Lumini for VP Internal

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hi, my name is Teresa Lumini and I want to be your next VP Internal!  I’m in 3A Mechanical and I have a lot of ideas on how to improve our events, services, and workshops as well as tons of experience with leadership roles and management.  For starters, I would like to implement a Scholarship Bank.  Much like how EngSoc has an exam bank for easy access to past exams, I would like to make a list of places to find and apply for scholarships for engineers offered by more than just the university.  Secondly, I would like to continue running technical workshops and to expand on them from just how to use cadding software and programming to hardware skills like soldering.  I would also like to start useful professional development workshops to help students with things like how to write a resume and cover letter as well as interviewing skills to name a few.  As for events, I would like to continue running cross-faculty events but not just a semi-formal.  I would like to branch out cross-faculty events to things like LAN parties, sports tournaments, and coffee houses.  I would like to continue to run an AV Team to help keep costs for directors who require the use of projectors and sound boards.  Although I have lots of ideas on how to improve engineering services and events, I also want to hear what you think needs to change and what directorships you want to start or services you want to see from EngSoc.

I am very outgoing and have been involved with EngSoc since my 1B term and would like to take on a position of more responsibility than an EngSoc rep.  I have gotten involved in a variety of activities run and not run by EngSoc such as Coffee Houses, TalEng, EngPlay, UW NanoRobotics Group, and many others.  I’ve also taken on a few directoships such as POETS Manager, Music Director, and WEC Director for the Senior Design Competition so I have a pretty good idea as to how things should run and what directors need.  I’ve also been involved with student teams as a team lead for both the Mechanical Team and the research and development team for PAMELA (one of the teams microbots).  In my involvement in EngSoc and student teams, I feel I have developed the necessary skills to take on the position of VP Internal.

I’m very open to hearing what you think needs to change and what you want to see from EngSoc and hope I can get your vote for VP Internal!

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