Hello Engineering Students!
My name is Pallavi Hukerikar and I am in 1B Management Engineering! I am currently the Student Life Commissioner so I have been working very closely with the VP Internal to help execute some great events. I strongly believe I have learned a lot from this experience, so I would like to be the next VP Internal with the Engineering Society to help make your student experience even better!
There are four main tasks I would like to accomplish should I be elected into this role.
Firstly, I would like to work on creating an Engineering Society mobile application to accomplish a few goals. Often times, students are unaware of when and where Engineering Society events are taking place. With the mobile application, I would like to create an effective notification system to alert students about upcoming events. I would also like to use this application to automate the process of collecting P**5 points, which would also allow there to be an up to date ranking of the classes.
Secondly, I would like to work on refining the events put on by the Engineering Society. I would like to remove some of the ineffective events, and focus on bigger events that appeal to a larger number of students. I am also interested in creating some new events such as a boat cruise and a hackathon with a focus on developing something that helps UWaterloo students.
Thirdly, I would like to restructure the VP Internal portfolio to help better manage the duties under the VP Internal and provide better support to the directors. To do this, I would like to create another commissionership focused on working with the logistics of the events, including booking rooms, and scheduling the events in the calendar. This would allow the Student Life Commissioner to focus on creating comprehensive manuals for each directorship, and having one on one meetings with every director to ensure that they have the support they need to run a spectacular event!
Lastly, I would like to continue providing opportunities to first year engineering students. Last term the Engineering Society ran the first ever First Year Engineering Society Leadership Conference which allowed new students to learn more about various clubs and student societies, listen to upper years speak about their coop experiences, and network with like minded students. I would like to continue expanding this event by inviting guest speakers from organizations such as Professional Engineering Ontario (PEO), and running more interactive activities for the students to apply their knowledge. As well, I would like to continue the first year directorship mentoring program in all terms, so that first year students have the opportunity to shadow a director in their 1A and 1B term. This will help first year students get involved with the Engineering Society without having to take on a huge responsibility.
I feel that I have gained a lot of great experiences that make me a very qualified candidate for this job. In the time I have been at the University of Waterloo I have gotten involved with:
- Engineering Society (Academic and Class Representative, Student Life Commissioner)
- Engineering Ambassadors (Student Experience Manager)
- Women in Engineering
- University of Waterloo Management Consulting Club (Executive)
- Midnight Sun Student Design Team
I am passionate about the Engineering Society and would love this opportunity to help improve your student experience. If you have any questions about me or my platform, please don’t hesitate to contact me at pallavi.hukerikar@uwaterloo.ca or stop me in the halls!
Thank you for reading and don’t forget to vote!
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