
Hannah Gautreau for President

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hi Everyone! My Name is Hannah, and I’m running to be your next Engineering Society President! My Primary goal as President will be to bring the two societies closer together. I want to improve communication and work toward setting and accomplishing goals that will benefit the society as a whole. I plan to do this through numerous initiatives.

I want to introduce new services into the society as well as improving existing ones. If I am elected, every student will have the opportunity to purchase business cards in the orifice at a discounted price. I will also develop new professional development workshops, and continue to expand the career fair. I also want to leverage the First Year Mentoring program by using the program to run more useful events, and to change the mentor/mentee structure to further benefit the first years. I will also continue to educate students about the services that are currently available to them. In addition to this, I hope to have an ATM installed centrally within the Engineering buildings before my term is over.

My goals for representing the society heavily revolve around improving communication between the two societies. I want to work with the A-Society Executive to develop standards for how the society should be running to ensure that students are getting the most benefit from the society that they can. I want to place a large emphasis on Director, Commissioner, and Executive transition between terms to ensure that there is minimal delay in getting services up and running at the beginning of every new term. In addition to increasing collaboration between the two societies, I want to improve communication with the student body. I want to hold more informal town halls before council meetings to give students a chance to discuss motions and ask any questions that they have. I want all engineering students to feel that their voice is being heard.

If I am elected as president, I will continue our partnership with FEDS and SSO to provide new events and services to engineering students. I will liaise with the SSO to develop new workshops for Engineering students, and to make their services more accessible to engineering students. I want to work to expand FENGSOC day to include all faculties to help foster Waterloo pride.

As president, one of my goals would be to communicate with less involved students to generate new directorship ideas. I want to give all students the opportunities to implement their new ideas. I feel that this would increase involvement in the Engineering Society because it would provide meaningful leadership opportunities to all students.

The final part of my campaign is to focus on improving internal processes. I will create proper timelines and documentation so that directors and commissioners are aware of their timelines and responsibilities during the term. I want to work toward standardizing internal communication to minimize confusion so that the society as a whole is more productive. In addition to this, I want to be always looking for continuous improvement opportunities within the society.

Thank you so much for reading about my platform, if you want to read it in more detail, head over to hannahforpresident.wix.com/hannahforpresident. Don’t forget to vote!

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