
President: Things happen over the Coop!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

As A-Society is packing up and moving off to coop, the University and the Society will keep moving forward so I want to take this article to give you some tips on what to look out for while you are away!

First thing is the B-Society E7 Referendum. This term A-Society voted yes to an optional twenty five dollar student fee towards the building of Engineering 7. Since we are a joint Society and a joint student body, students on term in the winter will once again go to the polls to vote on the same question. If the vote is yes then the fee will be established once the building is built, but if the vote is no there will be no student donation.

Elections and more elections and this time not EngSoc ones! The Federation of students will be electing new engineering councillors and Feds Executive. The Executive works to guide the direction of the Federation and run their many events and services, while the engineering councillors act similar to our class reps and sit on the Federation student council to voice engineering student feedback. These elections only happen once a year but you can still run and vote while you are on coop. Lookout for e-mails from our mailing list and to your waterloo account for nomination periods and voting links. If you are interested in running for the positions you should visit Feds.ca for more information!

In addition, the engineering Senate seat will be up for grabs this winter term! The engineering senator sits on the University senate and represents engineering student opinion. A two-year commitment, this is a large position which allows you to make a large difference within the University. Interested applicants should contact Allyson Francis.

Last but not least are what myself and my exec will be working on! We will be realizing more details about our goals over the mailing list in January but keep your eyes peeled for updates from the Executive Review Committee, Board of Directors Guidelines, a marketing strategy for engsoc, engagement plan for council, and more changes to the website! If student have ideas on how to improve please let me know so we can make it happen before my term is done!

That’s all for now folks have a safe and happy co-op term and I will see you in the summer!

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