These past couple of weeks have been chaotic to say the least. With midterms, conferences, school and family, my schedule has been very busy since the long weekend, but life doesn’t stop for anyone.
I needed to create a solid schedule in order to keep track of everything that has been going on, and even then, I found it difficult being an executive, a friend, a student and a sister, all at the same time. Life can get overwhelming when everything comes together at once and it can be stressful. I am not someone who gets stressed easily, but these past two weeks have been crazy for me.
I am thankful for my executive team, my friends and my family for being there when I need them. Though life can get to be a little much sometimes, never be afraid to ask for help. There are always people who will help you. If you’re struggling with a course, don’t be afraid to ask your professor or TA for help. If you’re struggling with friends/family, find that person you can count on and spill your heart out to them. It’s scary trusting someone with your secrets and your struggles. I am someone who seemingly has it together all the time, but I don’t always. I would drive myself crazy if it weren’t for my friends and family. There are so many people here on campus and there’s definitely one that is willing to listen to you and help you out. If you can’t find anyone, shoot me an email ( and we can have coffee. I’m a good listener.
Ever since first year, my go-to book has been “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” by Dr. Seuss whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed. My roommates and I would read it several times a day during midterm and final season to calm ourselves down. I’ll keep a copy in the Orifice, so feel free to stop by for a read. I’m sure it’ll take you on an emotional roller coaster, but it’ll provide you with positive reinforcement about the potential you have and the places you’ll go.
“So be sure when you step. Step with care and great tact and remember that Life’s a Great Balancing Act. Just never forget to be dexterous and deft. And never mix up your right foot with your left. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.)” – Dr. Seuss; Oh, the Places You’ll Go!
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