
VP Finance: Budget and Covies!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello A-Society! My name is Kevin McNamara and I am the Vice-President Finance of the Engineering Society. I hope that those of you returning from co-op had a great summer, and those doing 8 months of school are excited to still be here. Welcome to all of the first year students! I hope to use these updates to keep everyone informed on what is happening from the financial side of the Society, and all other things related to my portfolio.

The EngSoc budget for the term, which can be found on this page, was passed at our council meeting this past Wednesday. This budget is used to fund all of our operations for the term, including all events and services that we run, as well as running the EngSoc Office (the Orifice, CPH 1327) and many other initiatives. Every student pays a $15.22 EngSoc fee, which is what makes up the bulk of the income in the budget.

I have been working on a number of goals and initiatives over the co-op term that I plan to continue with this Fall. Firstly, I have been working with our directors to try to improve our budgeting process and make sure that they have the support that they need. Moving forward, I plan to better establish budgeting rules, and make use of past trends to increase consistency from term to term. I will also be working with the Engineering Capital Improvements Fund (ECIF) Committee to improve the turnout of student submissions, and make sure that students are aware of what the fund is for. In addition, I plan to try and open up better communication between EngSoc and student teams and groups on campus to try and improve the EngSoc sponsorship process.

Another goal that I have for this term is to improve the merchandise that can be found in Novelties. Novelties is our engineering swag shop, which can be found in CPH Foyer just to the left of POETS. The store is open from 11:30 to 1:30 during the week. Feel free to stop by some time on your lunch and see what the store has to offer, from sweaters and scarves to glassware and belt buckles, and much more. If you have any suggestions for new swag, let me know!

Coverall Day(s) are coming up! Have you seen the awesome Engineering Coveralls and want your own pair? Then be sure to come out to CPH Foyer on September 24th and 25th from 11:30-1:30 to order your very own pair. Coveralls will be $90 this term, which will get you a pair of coveralls, two lines of text embroidery on the arm, and your very first patch to sew on.

That’s about it for this issue! If you have any questions about anything finance or EngSoc related, feel free to send me an email to vpfinance.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca or stop by the Orifice (CPH 1327) and talk to me. See you in a few weeks!

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