
VP External: FALL in Love with External Initiatives!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hey Friends!  This is your friendly neighborhood VP External, Heather Smith.  If you are wondering what a VP External does and what I plan to do with this role, then sit down, get cozy and continue reading!

The Fall term is busy for engineering students involved in councils on provincial and national levels.  These councils are the Engineering Student Societies’ Council of Ontario (ESSCO) and the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES).  Both these organizations are concerned with best practices in the interest of the engineering student body across Ontario and across Canada.  The VP External represents and voices the opinions of Waterloo Engineering students to ESSCO and CFES.  You can get involved with ESSCO and CFES through various events such as National Engineering Month, Math and Physics Day at Canada’s Wonderland, Ontario Engineering Competition, and Canadian Engineering Competition.  In addition to these events, both ESSCO and CFES run conferences year round for engineering students.  Conferences that are open to all undergraduate engineering students in the Fall term are the National Conference on Women in Engineering and the Professional Engineers Ontario Student Conference.  Also, keep your eyes open for application information this Fall term on CFES Congress and the First Year Integration Conference, which will take place in the Winter.

The VP External also works with Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) to bring career development opportunities to EngSoc!  One way I plan to do this is by organizing a panel of speakers from PEO to answer your questions on career development and provide insight on what you can do with your engineering degree.  Details on this event will be sent out through the EngSoc mailing list and advertised at EngSoc meetings!

In addition, the VP External plays an active role in charities and community outreach initiatives.  EngSoc members had the chance over the Spring 2014 term to nominate and vote on the organization towards which funds raised through 3 consecutive terms of charities initiatives would be donated.  The charity that was selected is Reaching Our Outdoor Friends (ROOF)!  So the money you spend buying pancakes and grilled cheese in the CPH foyer, the money you donate purpling yourself at Purplepalooza, taking pictures with Santa and the Tool, and at Change4Change Week will be going towards providing at-risk youth in the Waterloo Region with safety and support, and improving their overall well-being. Visit http://www.roof-agency.net/  for more information on ROOF’s initiatives and volunteer opportunities.

Another role of the VP External is working towards EngSoc having a stronger presence in the Kitchener-Waterloo Community.  Education Outreach is an event where EngSoc goes to THEMUSEUM in Kitchener to get kids excited about science and engineering by performing science experiments with them.  Engineering students can also march in the Santa Claus parade, volunteer their services through various opportunities from Engineering A Difference, or partake in an environmental clean-up!

If you would like more information or want to learn more about how to get involved in conferences, outreach or charity, send me an email at vpexternal.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca or come talk to me in the Engineering Society Office!

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