
Places to Study During Exams

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hey Everyone,

This term is coming to an end and finals are right around the corner. Its time to get out those books, make sure your notes are complete, you have all the right answers to your assignments and most importantly, you have an ideal place to concentrate and study.

Sometimes studying at home may not be as effective because of many distractions and at times lack of motivation. Many students prefer to study on campus at libraries, study rooms, lounges and other areas for group study. In this issue I will be giving an overview of the study spaces available to us.

There are five libraries on campus that offer quiet study:

  • Davis Centre (DC) Library – open 24 hours starting July 27
  • Dana Porter (DP) library – open until 11pm every day
  • Conrad Grebel (CGH), St. Jerome’s (SJ) and Renison (RU) Libraries

If you prefer studying in a closed group environment where you can have quiet discussions or a room to your self, then booking a study room is just the thing for you. DC and DP offer single study and group study rooms that can booked in advance through their online system: bookings.lib.uwaterloo.ca/sbs/day.php. Additionally, the Student Life Centre (SLC) has nine study rooms that can be reserved either from the turnkey desk or online: bookings.lib.uwaterloo.ca/sbs/day.php. Also, the interview rooms in Tatham Centre (TC), when not in use, can be used for studying on a first come – first serve basis.

Our campus also offers many open lounges to students who don’t quite prefer the silent study but enjoy being in a study environment. The DC cafeteria, SLC great hall, SLC basement, POETS, Math CnD, Modern Languages cafeteria, and Environment 1 courtyard are just some of the lounges that are available for studying in an open environment.

You can study pretty much anywhere on campus. From classrooms to the benches outside buildings, any location that makes you feel comfortable and motivates you to study can and should be used.  

All the best for your exams!

If you have any question please feel free to send me an email on vpeducation.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca.

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