Hey everybody! There is some exciting news in the world of finance this week!
First off, I would like to say that the Novelties Fire Sale went very well last week. A lot of old merchandise is now SOLD OUT which means that we will need a lot of new merch to help fill the shelves. Unfortunately this does mean that the EngSoc mousepads and licence plate covers will no longer be sold in Novelties *sadface* but I for one am really looking forward to getting in some new exciting swag!
Speaking of new and exciting swag, winners have been selected for the Novelties design contest! Congratulations to Heather Smith, Brendan O’Hanlon, and Matt Vibert-Adams for their winning designs. Keep your eyes out for a new CANstruction patch, a NANO PATCH (woop, woop), and a new ceramic mug design. The designs will be in stock by next term. You can see the concept drawings for each of the submitted designs , and keep in mind that these are still just the concept drawings, the final products will be much prettier and laid out better.
We will also be bringing back the old Tool Bearer bobble heads to Novelties. They will end up costing $20 each and we are able to get more manageable order sizes so we don’t have our stock room completely full with bobble heads.
The final piece of news I have is regarding ECIF and Sponsorship for this term! Unfortunately this article was due before the Sponsorship and ECIF allocations were approved by council, but if you want to know the approved allocations you can attend the EngSoc meeting on Wednesday July 23 at 5:30 pm in POETS!
That’s all for this term! I hope that all of you are pleased with the work I put in this past term, and if you have any suggestions for how I can improve next term please let me know!!
Good luck on exams!
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