

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away the first ever toilet was invented #miracle #awesome #bestinventionEVAR. Of course most of you ungrateful, witless earthlings have no idea of the impact of this invention. It changed the course of history forever. Furthermore, the toilet is the reason that the bumbling, babbling, blabbing, bothersome, babyish band of earthling baboons (I order you to say that twenty times fast earthling!), a well and truly pathetic excuse for a species of the Universe, continue to trod along in their ever-so selfish and meaningless lives today.

The toilet would continue on to be the centerpiece of every modern bathroom in the Universe. Other bells and whistles were added as the bathroom, such as sinks (after the Earthling race was ever-so-nearly extinct but then one of them miraculously figured out that cleaning themselves seemed to reduce the risk of death, disease and turmoil), showers (see reason above), bathtubs (for super-rich, extra selfish, water-wasting Earthlings who have far too much spare time on their hands), mirrors (for those who love to waste away their days admiring themselves) and the list goes on. In addition, to waste even more water and toilet/bathroom building resources, Earthlings even insist on segregating their washrooms by gender.

So if Earthlings seem to enjoy these bathrooms so much, what in the Universe is going on at Waterloo Engineering where there seems to be a *gasp* lack of bathrooms?! That’s right female Earthlings: As you step out of the Iron Warrior office in E2 desperately in search of a bathroom because you’ve been too hellbent on circulating these bloody papers to make it to the bathroom in one those buildings that might actually have one, and you are looking for a bathroom of the female variety, you have to walk either down the stairs *gasp* or over to the next building (E3/Physics/CPH) to find one.

Here are few ways to help you deal with this ungodly situation:

1)     Draw a female-bathroom symbol on a piece of paper and stick it on the door of one of the so-called male washrooms and then take it with you when you leave. This way you can basically go to whichever washroom is convenient.

2)     Use the staff washrooms which are always more conveniently located.

3)     If the most convenient washroom is being cleaned, move the cleaning equipment out of it and use that one as they usually say ‘closed for cleaning.’

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