
Upcoming Events: Alumni Speaker, Canada Day and Waterloo Engineering Competition

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

The middle of the summer term proves to be a busy time for events! Three major events coming up under my portfolio are an Alumni Speaker, the Canada Day event and the Waterloo Engineering Competition.
Lee Brooks, the Director of Product Marketing at Sandvine Networking Solutions will be presenting the first Alumni Speaker talk of the term. Lee is a former Computer Engineering student, and a dynamic and engaging speaker. He initially struggled during his time at Waterloo and had to work hard to figure things out. Lee touts himself as someone who has found a lot success without having to be the founder of a company or start up. He represents the “silent majority” of students who will find success simply by working a “regular” job for one company or another. Lee’s talk will be about how he has achieved personal happiness and professional success. The talk will take place in RCH 301 at 6pm on Thursday, June 26th. Free dinner will be provided during the event.
The Engineering Society will have a booth at this year’s University of Waterloo Canada Day Celebrations at Columbia Lake on July 1st. The booth with feature games for children, the TOOL and free freezies! If you are attending the celebrations, be sure to stop by.  If you are interested in volunteering at the booth, please email me at vpexternal.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca
The Waterloo Engineering Competition will be taking place on Friday, July 4th and Saturday, July 5th. The competition will feature three competition categories: Senior Design, Junior Design and Consulting. During the Junior and Senior design challenges, teams of four students are given a design problem to prototype a solution to in a limited amount of time with various different materials. The Consulting competition will give teams a theoretical mining problem to solve and present a solution to during the judging round of the competition. This year, the winners of the Consulting competition will also gain entry into the National Mining Competition, to be held in Fall 2014 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. If you are interested in competing this year, be sure to sign up at: bitly.com/WECspring14
If you have questions about any of the above events, feel free to email me at vpexernal.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca.

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